There are many different opportunities to serve in a growing church, and we want to help you serve in a position that best utilizes the gifts God has given you. We believe that Jesus is building His church here at Crossview, and that He’s equipped all of us to serve and be a part of church ministry. Below is a guide to how you can get plugged in and serving at our church:

Spend a few months worshipping regularly with us. We believe that in order for you to understand who we are, and how God wants you to serve the church at Crossview, you need to take your time getting to know us and settling in to your new church home. If you haven’t already, please fill out the “connection form” tear-out in the weekly bulletin. If you’d like to speak to us about the church, please feel free to speak to one of our pastors, call 815-756-8729, or email us at:

Pray and ask God where He would like you to serve at Crossview. Spend some time listening to how He directs you. God might put a burden on your heart to serve in a particular area, or you may hear Him direct you through a message or devotion, or as you connect with and speak to existing members of the church.

Identify the ministries within the church where you can serve, and then reach out to the ministry leaders/directors.
For information about serving in our community, click here.
Our ministry teams include:
- Adult Discipleship Team (developing discipleship)
- Care Team (caring for church members)
- Children’s Ministry (nursery-5th grade)
- Community Connection Team (evangelism/local outreach)
- Facilities Team (maintaining our campus)
- Fellowship Team (developing fellowship & relationships)
- Global Connection Team (national & global mission)
- Library Team (developing our church library)
- Men’s Ministry
- Technology Team (developing campus technology)
- Women’s Ministry
- Worship Team (worship services & praise team)
- Young Adult Ministry
- Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade)